If your company ranks high in the Google results for a search term (maybe its own name?) and you never heard about AMP, you are late in the game.

AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages. In its quest for lightning speed answers, Google created the AMP framework.

AMP means more work for your engineering team: you need to modify your landing page, websites or blogs HTML code. The benefit is huge: Google will use those modified pages to serve then in position 0 in the results page, and they will be rendered in near real time.

Check this page for examples of how AMP looks in search results.

How does it work? It uses pre-rendering with async calls:

  1. Executes all the javascript asynchronously
  2. Loads the layout of the page without waiting for resources to download
  3. It prevents for snippets with external calls (like embedded tweets) to block the page rendering
  4. Load third-party scripts in sandboxed iframes

There are a few more you can find here. The most important one is the use of the W3 Preconnect to stablish early-connections (start downloading content before the user asks for it.)

So why should you care about creating AMP versions of your pages? Potential customers will search for you using mobile devices. Google will prioritize those websites that support AMP. If you want to rank higher in the results (or preserve your first-page status), you need to implement AMP.

Leo Celis