Python is the favorite programming language of the Ad Tech companies. It is mainly used for data analysis, and analyzing data is what most ad agencies do.

Data analysis is becoming more popular than web development. You can easily set up a Django app in a Digital Ocean droplet; finding relevant insights to optimize campaigns is not that straightforward.

The current favorite stack is Python 3, virtualenv, Flask, Numpy, Pandas, running on AWS. In terms of database, relational databases like PostgreSQL are winning over no-SQL ones like Elastic (I expect this will change in the future as developers become more familiar with no-SQL.)

If your tech stack is not along these lines, I will seriously consider taking a look at them. You don’t need to replace your platform, the good thing about Python is that it is very flexible: pull a CSV formatted data from your database, and play with pandas. You will be surprised the insights you can get from your data in just a day of work.

Do you want to learn why developers are choosing this stack? Take a look at this Python Developers Survey 2018 Results.

Learn how to deploy Flask-based applications with these TopTal’s recipes.


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Leo Celis