In the late 80s, my grandfather bought a Commodore C64. He used to spend nights coding in BASIC. I was around eight years old, and all I understood back then was to copy code from the user’s guide and play with it.

In the late 90s, I was a teenager. I was not patient enough to go deep into a programming language; I wanted to get something done quickly. I used to go to the forums to post my questions, and thanks to many kind people, I was able to move forward.

When I got my first job in early 2000 (before the Dot-com bubble), I was sold on the Silicon Valley garage startup dream. So I learned as much as I could about whatever was the latest technologies back then.

Whenever I see a founder, C-level, or manager working against letting developers play, ask for help, or try something new, I know that startup will have a tough time keeping them happy.

Leo Celis