What are the top Python projects in Netflix OSS? Netflix OSS is a set of open source tools developed by Netflix. Is there any interesting Python project worth your […] Tech Playground 05/13/19
5 piece of advise if you need to hire a Python Senior Engineer You don’t know how to hire Senior Engineers. That’s the first assumption you should make. You might be friendly, charming, […] Remote Leadership 05/06/19
A Production Runbook for deploying Python scripts in Ubuntu Google what you don’t know. Try the Stack Overflow most upvoted answer. Type history in the command line, copy the […] Tech Playground 05/04/19
How to build a word cloud generator using Python and your sitemap [Post inspired by Hamlet Batista] Remember those days where all the websites had a tag cloud? It was completely useless. […] Tech Playground 04/29/19
What’s the coolest way to send an email with Python? AWS, Google App Engine, SendGrid, MailChimp and whatever services that come to your mind, you might think that coding a […] Tech Playground 04/26/19
5 days using Mixpanel – API Integration with Python (Day 5) If you have use cases where your users aren’t interacting with your app or web, you can still track their […] Ad Tech Tech Playground 04/04/19
PyMySQL: Python3 + MySQL Sometimes you just want to build a simple prototype to read/store data. You don’t want to spend too much time […] Tech Playground 03/17/19
Python and Ad Tech Python is the favorite programming language of the Ad Tech companies. It is mainly used for data analysis, and analyzing […] Ad Tech Tech Playground 02/15/19
Python3 Building Blocks I’ve been working with Python since 2011. I’ve read a few books and spent many hours in stack overflow. Once […] Tech Playground 02/04/19
MailChimp API + Python There is no straightforward API integration. Yes, you can google “MailChimp API,” and you will find a nicely detailed API […] Tech Playground 01/30/19