Your estimate is wrong. A recurrent topic in my 1x1s is how to estimate correctly. Why is this such a […]
Why should I care about the Metaverse? It was time for me to enter the Metaverse, so I recently bought […]
Accurate Data
Is my data really accurate? The general wisdom goes: “the more accurate data we have, the better decisions we make.” […]
SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)
We are small. We don’t need an SDLC. Most beginner founders I’ve met had the fantasy of a two steps […]
Developing leadership in a startup team
A startup team is always against the clock, always delayed. Developing leadership skills in a startup team is critical for […]
Targeted Ads are not for C-Level executives
C-level executives are not immune to Targeted Ads. It is fundamentally wrong to think that executives won’t click on targeted ads or […]
Linkedin Carousel Ads
Not a new social feature A Carousel ad is a way to bundle multiple ads into a single one. You […]
A new Product Development Process
Who is driving your Product Development? You will get very different products if your CTO, CMO, CEO, or even users […]
Software bugs in 2021
I cringed when I read posts talking about “functional bugs” and showing Visual Basic 5.0 forms screenshots. It is 2021! […]
What exactly is the Waterfall methodology?
Embrace Waterfall Staying away from the concept of “Waterfall” is what is preventing your engineering team from moving faster. I’m […]