Oribi Analytics
The first thing that stands up in Oribi is its wizard. Aimed to be a friendly event analytics platform, they […]
Learnings are your best conversions
If you are spending money on ads, it feels fair to ask for results. You are giving away dollars; it […]
When there is no data to analyze
I was retrieving post stats for a newly created Facebook page with the intention to find the most engaging post. […]
What it takes to build a brand
IAB published a report about how to build a brand in today’s world. The no-brainer takeaway is that e-commerce dollars […]
Understanding Facebook Access Tokens
I wish there was a master key with access to all the data on Facebook; it will make the life […]
Python and Ad Tech
Python is the favorite programming language of the Ad Tech companies. It is mainly used for data analysis, and analyzing […]
Browser Fingerprinting
It is a good thing that websites are given the option to refuse cookies. They can claim enabling cookies will […]
Email marketing and Machine Learning
We all hate spam, and we are gradually unsubscribing to the daily deals we once thought would be great to […]
Optimize the top and the bottom of your funnel
There are two steps where you optimize your funnel: the beginning and the end. Yes, your funnel might be too […]
Digital Marketing Agencies
Performance-driven, martech platform, dynamic bid/budget optimization, multi-channel support, LTV optimization, cross-platform/cross-channel/cross-device cohort analysis, experts at ROAS, full-service performance, Machine Learning […]