Is the purpose of a Chatbot to become human?
What’s the missing opportunity of not using Chatbots? No matter how well designed is your landing page, your customer journey, […]
A better definition for Outbound and Inbound marketing
Why is Outbound marketing seen as the bad guy compared to Inbound? Is really Inbound marketing where you should spend […]
How to migrate a legacy system
“It works. We don’t need to replace it.” I’ve heard this many times. It is usually followed with “It is […]
What are the top Python projects in Netflix OSS?
Netflix OSS is a set of open source tools developed by Netflix. Is there any interesting Python project worth your […]
Your attention is the new economy’s currency
This first paragraph is consuming one of your most valuable and scarce resources: your attention. Why is human attention so […]
Do you need a growth team in your company?
You’ve probably heard about growth hackers, growth engineers, and growth teams. You are wondering if it is just another Silicon […]
What are the latest SEO trends that you should care about?
Are you missing an SEO trend that could change your business? The answer is always yes. If you are acquiring […]
How will social media look in the future?
Almost 15 years ago, people were speculating about how social media will evolve. At some point, it became so complicated, […]
Small businesses should spend more on digital marketing
It is not easy for small businesses to decide on which digital channel to spend their marketing money on. Is […]
Customer experience quotes that will get you back to the customer journey
The whole digital world is conspiring against the brick and mortar stores. Why would you leave your couch to buy […]